  • Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 525 El Segundo
  • Appionment

Practice Areas

People call us when they have obviously complex cases, as well as when insurance companies fail to treat them with dignity and respect by making settlement proposals

Car Accident

While commercial aviation accidents are overall fairly rare, private aircraft accidents are more common

Car Accident

While commercial aviation accidents are overall fairly rare, private aircraft accidents are more common

Personal Injury

While commercial aviation accidents are overall fairly rare, private aircraft accidents are more common

Catastrophic injury

While commercial aviation accidents are overall fairly rare, private aircraft accidents are more common

Insurance Claim

While commercial aviation accidents are overall fairly rare, private aircraft accidents are more common

Premises Claims

While commercial aviation accidents are overall fairly rare, private aircraft accidents are more common

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Talk to our lawyer

The Law Offices of Anthony Abbott has been working for the people in the great state of California for over 50 years
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